Wide Area Land Communications

The Wide Are Land Communications was insitgated to improve Land based coverage for the opertational HQ Systems, Over a number of years the service has been increasingly called to incidents further inland than our marine communications system could cope with, and the need to seperate maritime communications and land communications was needed to allow the various sections of the organisation to operate in varing enviroments with out impacting on the others communications.

We were fortunate to have shared a police radio site for a number of years, and with the advent of Airwave the police vacated the site, the site owners allowed us to retain the site, with this came the opportunity to improve our wide area land based communications.

The Land Based System operates on an exclusive frequency, the main base station is a Tait T300 with a Zetron Model 38a Panel, both of these are commercial specification and are ideal for the needs of the organisation, for service continuity the equipment is battery backed for upto 24hrs.

This System has now been discontiuned as the organisation reduced its capabilities and size