Radiation Monitor


Being interested in a variety of things, i recently discovered radmon, this is a worldwide network of raditation monitors shared via the internet, it is also able to be parsed to aprs.

After some research i chose the GC-10 Gieger counter from Japan, this is a ready built unit costing around £50, its connect to a pc running the radlog software from Radmon.org

I've set it up more out of interest than anything, and its something new to try and see how it works, and of course its part of the enjoyment of having hobbies being able to broaden the scope of them and hopefully encourage others to get interested, its also great to be able to share the interest and the data collected with other such hobbyist's all over the world.

Currently running it indoors, but will eventually get it cased up and secured outside

I hope to add some graphs from the monitor in the near future, so watch this space.